In parallel to NeuroChain show at CES of Las Vegas next week, January 7th, 2019, we have decided to finalize the IDAX NCC listing. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the NeuroChain token will be also tradable on IDAX exchange.

IDAX is in the top 10 of biggest exchanges in the world in volume.

With HUOBI and SISTEMKOIN, IDAX will be the third exchange allowing the NCC trading.

The deposits on IDAX for all NCC holders will start January 5th 2019, at 8:00 AM, Beijing Time (UTC/GMT+08:00). Trading will start as planned with IDAX January 7th, 2019, at 10:00 AM Beijing Time (UTC/GMT+08:00). Withdrawal will start 2 days later January 9th at 6:00 PM, Beijing Time (UTC/GMT+08:00)

click here to convert (UTC/GMT+08) Chinese time to your timezone.

How to trade in IDAX:

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