Since the testnet, the team is working hard toward the mainnet capitalizing on overall detected bugs and architecture issues. Network scalability, consensus resilience and wallet security are the main points of attention for the mainnet. Swap process and security audit are also issues that we are actually addressing.

The coming paragraphs give an overview of our progress according to the mainnet release.

Operational mainnet is an aggregation of three modules:

  • Blockchain
  • Security audits
  • Token swap

The NeuroChain Blockchain

Consensus: The PII formula has been tailored thanks to more simulations, tests and testnet results. The consensus algorithm is fully developed and ready for tests in real conditions.

Network: An intense work is dedicated to improve the stability of the network main components. Tests are actually in progress. All the details are summarized in Gitlab core repository.

Ledger: For performances and code robustness, architecture of the ledger has been upgraded. It’s now fully developed.

Fork manager: Forks are the main issue for non-Proof of Work protocols. New way of labeling branches has been implemented to avoid attacks with fork creation. The fork manager module of NeuroChain is ready for tests.

Wallet: The wallet architecture has been reviewed to improve security. Our new architecture is inspired by existing proven architectures, it handles transactions signatures directly in the application front. The wallet is ready for the audit.

API: The full description of the API (Rest) allowing the connection of different applications on NeuroChain is in progress. The fist tests will be made with the traceability application.

NeuroChain Security Audit

The NeuroChain team is indeed in discussion with several cybersecurity companies specialized in blockchain audit. The audit will be focused on the wallet security, network scalability resilience and consensus robustness. Several offers for this service are on the table and are currently under review. Updates of the progress will be released

The NCC Swap (1to1)

The swap process is critical for the project and also for the investors. We decided to do it progressively to guarantee the security of the token migration. Discussions are actually held with the different exchanges including Huobi to assist us during the process.  

The idea is to use some procedures of the ECR 20 NeuroChain smart contract to guarantee the integrity of the wallets during the swap.

The process will be fully described in the near future.

The roadmap

To guarantee the full success of the mainnet release, the NeuroChain security audit and the swap process must be managed carefully and progressively. Hereafter, As an indication, the expected roadmap to reach the goals.  

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