Searching block can be done with dates. The network feature shows which nodes are connected to the others and how many blocks they have forged. Numbers display have been revised. Finally, user feedbacks have been updated so if users want to send more than they can, they’ll be alerted.

The development team is working on the core configuration side. At the moment, new features have been coded but the Docker process is not up to date. This is the last obstacle to disable or enable auto generation of transactions.

Improving the backend’s web site showcase has been the priority for the development team. Rest API have been merged. More importantly, performances have been improved so the block navigation for the user is faster. Database requests have been revised so they are more secure.

Unit tests templates have been created. They will help the Neurochain to stress the system and give users exact performance indicators.

On the core configuration side and continuous methodologies, gitlab CI/CD is the key. At the moment, new features have been coded but the Docker process is not up to date. This is the last obstacle to disable or enable auto generation of transactions.

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