Agent oriented meta programming

To go deeper in NeuroChain protocol, we need to talk a bit about technique and describe the concepts and the technologies that make NeuroChain ecosystem possible.

NeuroChain is a huge and ambitious project based on new and innovative concepts and protocols. To face these challenges, choices concerning the technologies used to develop and express all the potential of NeuroChain have to be made keeping in mind its main characteristics: flexibility, scalability, sociability and security.

The core NeuroChain will be developed with C++ technology which offers a maximum of flexibility, security and conceptualisation.

Concerning the intelligent applications and their distribution, metalanguage “agent oriented” based on C++ will be developed to structure an environment for NeuroChain applications and ensure experience sharing between the bots (sociability).

Meta programming, known also by generic programming, can be defined as when a written program has knowledge of itself, can manipulate itself or when the program can change itself in non-trivial fashions while executed without recompilation. Code-generating programs are called metaprograms. Writing such programs is called metaprogramming.

In metaprogramming, a program may generate, read, analyse or transform other programs and even modify itself when running. This allows greater flexibility to efficiently handle new situations without recompilation.

Photo credit: Splitshire

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