NeuroChain is a five years blockchain project.​

When developing an innovating project, with forward-thinking concepts and theories, it is primordial to highlight these concepts, and explain the paradigm change advantage and drawbacks. NeuroChain constitutes several augmented concepts and technologies in comparison with other Distributed Ledger Technologies. The intrinsic singularity of NeuroChain could be illustrated with the following features. The consensus: the NeuroChain consensus, Proof of Involvement and Integrity, is based on entropy, Enthalpy and score of integrity. The architecture: Bots are designed to face complex problematics with two levels of abstraction and operation rules (consensus). The Bot applications: autonomous programs deployed on the NeuroChain blockchain leveraging Machine Learning capabilities. They allow basic application development and go as far as interactive social Bots in a transparent manner. Since September 2019, the NeuroChain testnet is running and millions of blocks are forged up till now. For the next coming two years, the NeuroChain team will focus on business development and funds raising. The next two years will focus on developing feature 2, feature 3… The objective is to improve …. These additional key features will be used to bolster practical implementation of the technology to real world use case such as … The team is currently working on several applications with key companies encompassing , . Now that the test net has proven its capacity, we are able to go and scale up both technical teams and business teams. Therefore, we are currently looking forward for additional funding sources to support and speed up the development of the new features and fine tune them to the concrete projects.

Business development​

NeuroChain is a business oriented blockchain solution, due to its characteristic of scalability. Different industries in France and in Europe were approached, banks for data lineage and KYC, car manufacturing for traceability and supply chain management, retailers for traceability origins, aerospace equipment industries and institutions for regulation and compliance using blockchain. As an example, hereafter the consulted companies: · BNPP · Société General · Banque de France · SNCF · Thalès · CMA CGM · Google Cloud Platform · Renault · Amazon · Microsoft · IBM · Dell Several large Paris based companies trading on the stock exchange are currently experimenting with the Neurochain technology. The very spirit of Neurochain is to link companies with converging interest to connect to each each other and start business. Therefore, we have also started working with motivated start-ups and game changers. For one year, we enhanced our partnerships and signed new ones. For example, we are in process Google Cloud Platform to provide NeuroChain in the platform.

Fund raising

For the past year we have identified VCs and investment funds in order to raise money and guarantee the next stages of the NeuroChain project and to enlarge the Neurochain team, in particular the commercial and marketing part. We are also in contact with the French investment bank for grants. The NeuroChain application is in the final stages of state subvention for deep tech projects. Several investment funds have expressed interest in the NeuroChain project.

Token Valorization

The main exchange for NeuroChain Clausius (NCC) is HUOBI. HUOBI recognized NeuroChain as a legit and promising blockchain project and started some actions to increase the NCC volume. All business and fundraising efforts are aimed at raising awareness of NeuroChain and increasing the value of NCC. We believe that all these actions will impact the value of NCC and guarantee its stability in the market. NeuroChain is in the business phase.


2020-2021 will be the year of the business expansion of an amazing idea and project which is NeuroChain. It was a long exiting way from an idea to a real blockchain platform for business applications. The adoption of NeuroChain will be progressive but very diversified. Hereafter the roadmap for the coming years:

*BPI : Banque Public d’Investissement

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