NeuroChain is a new technology based on a distributed system such as Blockchain and powered by machine learning algorithms. The NeuroChain technology is a fusion between Blockchain and machine learning, and based on three pillars: the bots, the decision protocols and the adaptive communication layer.

This technical architecture of NeuroChain is optimized for performance, scalability and sociability.
The project is designed in three independent and complementary steps depending on the achievement:

  • Rational Blockchain structure with core protocol (PII)
  • Intelligent application infrastructure
  • Collective artificial intelligence due to the experience sharing (PoWf).

Beyond a solid technical project, NeuroChain presents also a strong and complementary team whose members are issued from leading universities in Europe and USA. The team’s expertise covers all competences needed in the project such as cryptography, distributed systems, distributed algorithms
and consensus, machine learning and neural networks. The team presents also peripheral competencies like marketing and communication to consolidate the open source community. The involvement of the
team and the adhesion of the community are the principal concerns of the NeuroChain Lab.

As a conclusion, the technical aspects of NeuroChain and the complementary team are the key points of success of the project.

Photo credit: Splitshire

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