Artificial intelligence in medicine
Artificial Intelligence in medicine can assist medical professionals and improve the healthcare we receive.

AI-assisted diagnosis, therapeutic decisions, and prognosis can make health professionals’ life easier, hospitals more efficient, and patients safer. Here are three ways AI is being used in medicine:artificial intelligence in medicine

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) | Focus Point: Learning

It is the most popular AI method used in medicine. It consists of networks of highly interconnected computer processors called neurons that perform parallel computation. It is inspired by the biological nervous system, which allows it to learn from the past, analyze nonlinear data and handle imprecise information.It has a wide range of applications, especially in diagnosis and prognosis matters: distinguish between benign and malignant prostate abnormalities, detect appendicitis, predict the outcomes for certain types of cancer, define levels of aggressive adjuvant medication that can be handled by patients, etc.

Fuzzy Expert Systems | Focus Point: Imprecision

This system uses advanced reasoning, taking nuance into account: it recognizes the real-world continua instead of thinking in terms of sharp distinctions. This specificity makes them ideal for healthcare, as degrees of pain, for example, can make a real difference in the diagnosis. They are particularly effective for the diagnosis and prognosis of certain cancers and administration of doses of anesthetics in the operating theater and vasodilators before and after surgery.

Evolutionary Computation | Focus Point: Search and Optimization

It imitates the survival of the fittest mechanisms, using optimization algorithms. First, big amounts of random solutions to the problem are created, then they evolve from generation to generation until a satisfactory one is found. The best solutions then go through the same process while the weakest ones are eliminated. It can measure the efficacy of treatments and predict outcomes in critically ill patients.By combining the functionalities of these AI systems, we can create a powerful hybrid intelligent system.

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