NeuroChain the Open Platform

As stated in the previous article, cryptocurrencies are objects of speculation and fantasy. To make this speculation possible, exchange platforms play the first role. A lot of cryptocurrencies and tokens are exchanged every day in different platforms based on bid-ask without any rationality or objective real economic underlying. Another key point of cryptocurrency speculation is directly linked to the regulation and operation of these platforms.


At NeuroChain, we believe that the distributed exchange mechanism could be the best process to reach the interoperability of the different cryptocurrencies. The redistribution of the crypto-value due to the intelligent applications will ensure a mixing or intersections between the value chains. This intersection could be the exchange point for the different tokens created in the same Blockchain. For different independent Blockchains, hybrid nodes have to be shared between the different networks. The hybrid node represents the intersection point for the exogenous value exchanges.


The interactions between the intelligent applications in NeuroChain and between NeuroChain and other chains will represents the best and the fairer mechanism for the peer to peer value exchange.The concept of hybrid nodes is under investigation at NeuroChain.

Photo credit: Splitshire

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