Let’s focus on the very nature of a cryptocurrency. It is meant to realize a transaction on a network.It does not give a voting right to the company who emitted the token. Most of the time, the emitter is a foundation; not a corporation. It does not give the right to get access to the cash realized by the company either. When an investor buys a cryptocurrency, in practice, he gives a very liquid asset (e.g., cash, ether or bitcoin) in exchange for a very illiquid asset.


So why a normal person would invest in NeuroChain, especially on ICO date?


An ICO investor is a wise man. He understands the value of the project he invests in. He understands that what makes the value of a crypto-currency is its network. In other words, the more people use the currency, the more liquid it becomes. In other words, the investor believes the project has a real economic potential with a widespread, cost-effective usage.

The ICO investor is smarter than average. He does not invest all his funds in a single ICO. He evaluates the risks and has a basket of different projects. Some projects may realize tremendous gains, but most will not. The big question is: “what is the use case”? As an active investor, one has to think how the project satisfies customers’ needs. With NeuroChain, as long as there is a problem that can be solved through AI or ML, then use NeuroChain. As of now, many simple-to- hard solutions may be solved through AI.

The ICO investor is a forward-looking man. He wished to optimize his strategy of investment.Therefore, he knows that the beginning of a project is the time when most added value may be unleashed on a network. Due to its settler nature, he invests on a rather short-term basis: from 6 months to 2 years. Then, with the proceedings, he chooses the next shot. With NeuroChain, we are looking for two classes of investors:

  • The smart investors:

They invest a given amount of money because they know it is something big and they will be able to leverage any unit of currency they invest in the project. These investors may be required a vesting period if they invest large amounts of money.

  • The future users:

They do not need to believe. They already know how they will use the technology. They just need to be kindled so as to spark the fire dwelling in their heart and the amazing real-world projects they are going to realize.

Be prepared to be a smart investor, invest in Neurochain

Invest smart. Invest NeuroChain.

Information about the ICO date is about to be released. Stay tuned, join us on Telegram

Photo credit: Splitshire

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